Translation Note: The Inglise keel version of this content is being displayed because the Eesti keel translation is unavailable.

Watch the half-length Summary clip of the Surgery and the SynDaver Canine film episode below.



More languages

You can choose subtitles for multiple languages by clicking ‘CC/Subtitles’ in the video, or you can choose our Open Captions option with burnt-in subtitles by clicking here: Arabic, Bulgarian, Farsi, French, German, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Turkish. Click here to return to the English version.
All translations are by our expert team of Translators and reviewers. More languages will be available soon.

More video options and resources

To download the Summary clip, in multiple resolutions, go to Vimeo via the icon on the video. You can also download versions without the intro and/or end credits here.

Click here for the Full episode, a selection of thematic Focus clips, and a wide range of Short excerpts.

Read the official Transcript in English (and soon in translation), and Quotes from the interviewees.

Click here for the News release [link when made] on the launch of this episode, and for our Sponsors and the film credits.

You can also watch the film and explore the playlists on the InterNICHE YouTube channel. A folder of images derived from the film can be downloaded from Dropbox.

The videos and images can be used freely for educational and non-profit purposes, subject to use of a credit and link to 'InterNICHE'.