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Humane education, alternatives and conscientious objection

Alternativas ao uso de animais vivos na educacao: pela ciencia responsavel [in Portuguese] - Sergio Greif (Instituto Nina Rosa, 2003)

Alternatives to Animal Experimentation (Report on Tempus Project 1485 on medical education) [in English and Czech] - Miroslav Cervinka and Michael Balls (Charles University Medical Faculty, 1994)

Animals in Education: The Facts, Issues and Implications - Lisa Ann Hepner (Richmond Publishers, 1994)

Animals in Education: The Use of Animals in High School Biology Classes and Science Fairs – Heather McGiffin & Nancy Brownley (Institute for the Study of Animal Problems, 1980)

Animal Use in Education: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference 1989 - B.S. Close, F. Dolins and G. Mason (eds) (EuroNICHE / Humane Education Centre, 1989)

Beyond Dissection: Innovative Teaching Tools for Biology Education - Larson, S. (ed.) (3rd ed, NEAVS, 1998)

Cruelties of Modern Science [in Russian] – C.K. (Sytin Publishing House, 1901)

Instrumento Animal: O uso prejudicial de animais no ensino superior [in Portuguese] – Thales Trez (ed) (Canal, 2008)

From Guinea Pig to Computer Mouse: Alternative Methods for a Humane Education (1st ed) - Ursula Zinko, Nick Jukes and Corina Gericke (EuroNICHE, 1997)

From Guinea Pig to Computer Mouse: Alternative Methods for a Progressive, Humane Education (2nd ed) - Nick Jukes and Mihnea Chiuia (InterNICHE, 2003)

Gelbe Liste: Tierversuche - Alternativen; 4. Teil: Tierverbrauchsfreie Verfahren in der Ausbildung von Biologen, Medizinern und Veterinarmedizern [in German] – Brigitte Rusche, Ursula G. Sauer (Akademie fur Tierschutz, 1995)

Hidden Values: Ethics and the Use of Animals in Education – Thales Trez (MA thesis, Leuven University, 2001)

Humane Education - Animals and Alternatives in Laboratory Classes: Aspects, Attitudes and Implications – Helena Pedersen (MA thesis, Stockholm University, 2000)

SATIS-Studie ’95 [in German] - C. Gericke, B. Vollm, T. Rieg, M. Keller (SATIS, 1995)

The Responsible Use of Animals in Biology Classrooms - Including Alternatives to Dissection – Rosalina V. Hairston (ed.) (National Association of Biology Teachers, 1990)

The School and the Animal Other: An ethnography of human-animal relations in education – Helena Pedersen (Goteborgs Universitet, 2007)

The Shambles of Science: Extracts from the Diary of Two Students of Physiology – Lizzy Lind Af Hageby and Leisa K. Schartau (Ernest Bell, 1903)

The Status of Animals: Ethics, Education and Welfare – David Paterson & Mary Palmer (CAB International, 1989)

The Use of Animals in Higher Education: Problems, Alternatives and Recommendations - Jonathan Balcombe (Humane Society Press, 2000)

Uber Leichen Zum Examen (1st ed) [in German] - Timo Rieg, Birgit Vollm, Anya Feddersen - (Timona Verlag, 1993)

Uber Leichen Zum Examen (2nd ed) [in German] - Timo Rieg, Birgit Vollm, Anya Feddersen, Corina Gericke - (Timona Verlag, 1996)

Vivisection and Dissection in the Classroom: A Guide to Conscientious Objection - Gary L. Francione & Anna E. Charlton (AAVS, 1992)

Vozes do Silêncio: Cultura cientifica: ideologia e alienação no discurso sobre vivisecção [in Portuguese] – João Epifânio Regis Lima (Instituto Nina Rosa, 2008)

Why Dissection: Animal Use in Education – Lynette A. Hart, Mary W. Wood and Benjamin Hart (Greenwood Press, 2008)


Animal experiments and alternatives in research and testing

Animal Experimentation: A Guide to the Issues - Vaughan Monamy (Cambridge University Press, 2000)

Animal Experimentation: A Harvest of Shame - Moneim Fadali (Hidden Springs Press, 1997)

Animal Research Takes Lives - Bette Overell (NZAVS, 1993)

Biology, Ethics and Animals - Rosemary Rodd (Oxford University Press, 1994)

Brute Science: Dilemmas of Animal Experimentation - Hugh Lafollette & Niall Shanks (Routledge, 1996)

Cruel Deception: The Use of Animals in Medical Research - Robert Sharpe  (Thorsons, 1990)

Ética e Experimentação Animal: Fundamentos abolicionistas [in Portuguese] – Sonia T. Filipe (Editora da UFSC, 2007)

Experimentação Animal: A Sua Saude em Perigo [in Portuguese] - Sergio Greif & Thales Trez (Sociedade Educacional ‘Fala Bicho’, 2000)

Experimenting with Humans and Animals: From Galen to Animal Rights – Anita Guerrini (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003)

Experiments on Animals? No Thanks! [in Greek] - Georgios Charitakis (2004)

In the Name of Science: Issues in Responsible Animal Experimentation - F. Barbara Orlans (Oxford University Press, 1993)

Lethal Laws: Animal Testing, Human Health, and Environmental Policy - Alex Fano (St. Martin’s Press, 1977)

Sacred Cows and Golden Geese: The Human Cost of Experiments on Animals - C. Ray Greek & J. Greek (Continuum, 2000)

Searching for Information on Non-animal Replacement Alternatives - Bottrill, K. (FRAME, 1999)

Selection and Use of Replacement Methods in Animal Experimentation [booklet] (UFAW, 1998)

The Crimson Cage – Margaret Wheaton Tuttle (The Tashmoo Press, 1978)

The Sacrifice: How Scientific Experiments Transform Animals and People – Lynda Birke, Arnold Arluke and Mike Michael (Purdue University Press, 2007)

The State of the Animals – Deborah J. Salem & Andrew N. Rowan (Humane Society Press, 2001)

The Unheeded Cry: Animal Consciousness, Animal Pain, and Science (Expanded ed) - Bernard E. Rollin (Iowa State University Press, 1998)

Vivisection in historical perspective – Nicolaas A Rupke (ed) (Croom Helm, 1987)  

Vivisection or Science? (2nd ed) - Pietro Croce (St. Martin’s Press, 1999)

See also ATLA, ALTEX and World Congress on Alternatives publications (see Studies Database)


Pedagogics and the curriculum

Animal Care from Protozoa to Small Mammals - F. Barbara Orlans (Addison-Wesley Longman, 1977)

Critical Pedagogy: An introduction- Barry Kanpol (Bergin & Garvey, 1999)

Deschooling Society - Ivan Illich (Marion Boyars, 1996)

Dissection and Vivisection in the European Renaissance - Roger K. French (Ashgate Publishing Company, 1999)

Dumbing Us Down: The hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling - John Taylor Gatto (2nd ed) (New Society Publishers, 2002)

Ecology Projects: Ideas and Projects for the Journal of Biological Education – D. Harding (Institute of Biology, 1992)

Empowering Education: Critical Teaching for Social Change - Ira Shor (University of Chicago Press, 1992)

Feeling Power: Emotions and Education - Megan Boler (Routledge, 1999)

Ideology and Curriculum - Michael W. Apple (2nd ed) (Routledge, 1990)

Laboratory Investigations in Human Physiology - Russell G.K. (Macmillan, 1978)

On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society - Dave Grossman (Little, Brown & Co, 1996)

Paulo Freire on Higher Education: A Dialogue at the National University of Mexico - Michael Escobar, Miguel Escobar, with Alfredo L. Fernandex (State University of New York Press, 1994)

Pedagogy and the Politics of Hope. Theory, Culture, and Schooling. A Critical Reader. - Giroux, Henry A.  Westview Press, 1997)

Pedagogy of Freedom: Ethics, Democracy, and Civic Courage - Paulo Freire (Rowman & Littlefield, 1998)

Problem Based Service Learning: A Fieldguide for Making a Difference in Higher Education - Rick Gordon, Peter Temple, Amy McGlashan (Antioch New England Graduate School, 2000)

The Hidden Curriculum in Higher Education - Eric Margolis (Routledge, 2001)  

The Power of Problem-Based Learning: A Practical "how to" for Teaching Undergraduate Courses in Any Discipline - Barbara J. Duch, Deborah E. Allen, Susan E. Groh (eds) (Stylus Publishing, 2001)

Understanding by Design - Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe (Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, 1998)

Values across the Curriculum - Peter Tomlinson & Margaret Quinton (eds) (Taylor & Francis, 1986)

When Students Have Power: Negotiating Authority in a Critical Pedagogy - Ira Shor (University of Chicago Press, 1996)


Animal rights, ethics and critical thinking

Animal Liberation - Peter Singer (Pimlico 2nd ed, 1995)

Animal Others: On Ethics, Ontology, and Animal Life - H.P. Steeves (ed.) (State University of New York Press, 1999)

Animal Revolution (Updated edition) - Richard Ryder (Berg Publishers, 2000)

Animal Rites: American Culture, the Discourse of Species, and Posthumanist Theory - C. Wolfe (The University of Chicago Press, 2003)

Animal Rights and Human Morality (Revised ed.) - Bernard Rollin (Prometheus, 1992)

Animal Rights and Human Obligations - Tom Regan & Peter Singer (eds) (2nd ed, Prentice Hall, 1989)

Animal Sacrifices: Religious Perspectives on the Use of Animals in Science – Tom Regan (Temple University Press, 1986)

Animals and Society: The humanity of animal rights – Keith Tester (Routledge, 1991)

Animals and Why They Matter - Mary Midgley (University of Georgia Press, 1998)

Animals, Nature and Albert Schweitzer – Ann Cottrell Free (ed) (Revised ed, ASPCA / Flying Fox Press, 1988)

A Companion to Bioethics - Helga Kuhse & Peter Singer (eds) (Blackwell Publishing, 1991)

A Companion to Ethics - Peter Singer (ed) (Blackwell Publishing, 1991)

A Practical Companion to Ethics - Anthony Weston (Oxford University Press, 1996)

Beyond Prejudice: The Moral Significance of Human and Nonhuman Animals - Evelyn B. Pulhar (Duke University Press, 1995)

Bioethics: An Anthology - Helga Kuhse and Peter Singer (eds) (Blackwell Publishing, 1999)

Defending Animal Rights - Tom Regan (University of Illinois Press, 2001)

Ética e Experimentação Animal: Fundamentos abolicionistas – Sônia T. Filipe (Editora da UFSC, 2007)

Ethics - Peter Singer (ed) (Oxford University Press, 1994)

Introduction to Animal Rights: Your Child or the Dog (Gary L. Francione, Temple University Press, 2000)

Practical Ethics - Peter Singer (Cambridge University Press, 1993)

Rain Without Thunder: The Ideology of the Animal Rights Movement - Gary L. Francione (Temple University Press, 1996)

Rattling the Cage: Toward Legal Rights for Animals - Steven M. Wise (Perseus, 2001)

Taking Animals Seriously - David DeGrazia (Cambridge University Press, 1996)

The Animal Ethics Reader – Susan J. Armstrong & Richard G. Botzler (Routledge, 2003)

The Animal World of Albert Schweitzer - Albert Schweitzer, Charles R. Joy (ed) (HarperCollins, 1996)

The Case for Animal Rights - Tom Regan (University of California Press, 1985)

The Extended Circle - Jon Wynne-Tyson (ed) (Cardinal, 1990)

The Fiqh of Medicine: Responses in Islamic Jurisprudence to Developments in Medical Science – Ahmed Abdel Aziz Yacoub (Ta-Ha Publishers, 2001)

The Human Use of Animals: Case Studies in Ethical Choice - F. Barbara Orlans, Rebecca Dresser, John P. Gluck (eds) (Oxford University Press, 1998)

The Lives of Animals - J. M. Coetzee (Princeton University Press, 2001)

The Universal Declaration of Animal Rights: Comments and Intentions - Georges Chapouthier & Jean-Claude Nouet (eds) (Ligue Francaise des Droits de l’Animal, 1998)

The Words of Albert Schweitzer - Norman Cousins (Newmarket Press, 1996)

Tools of Critical Thinking: Metathoughts for Psychology - David A. Levy (Allyn & Bacon, 1996)

Wickedness: A Philosophical Essay - Mary Midgley (Routledge, 1984)

Zoontologies: The Question of the Animal - C. Wolfe (ed.) (University of Minnesota Press, 2003)


Animal lives and the human-animal bond

Animal Equality: Language and Liberation - Joan Dunayer (Ryce Publishing, 2001)

Animal Grace: Entering a Spiritual Relationship with Our Fellow Creatures – Mary Lou Randour & Susan Chernak McElroy (New World Library, 2000)

Animal Spaces, Beastly Places: New geographies of human-animal relations - C. Philo & C. Wilbert (eds.) (Routledge, 2000)

Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity - Bruce Bagemihl (Profile, 1999)

Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home - Rupert Sheldrake (Three Rivers Press, 2000)

Dolphin Dreamtime - Jim Nollman (Anthony Blond, 1985)

Encyclopedia of Human-Animal Relationships: A Global Exploration of our Connections with Animals – Marc Bekoff (ed.) (Greenwood Press, 2007)

In the Company of Animals: A Study of Human-Animal Relationships - James Serpell (Cambridge University Press, 1996)

Minding Animals: Awareness, Emotions, and Heart – Marc Bekoff (Oxford University Press, 2002)

Pleasurable Kingdom: Animals and the Nature of Feeling Good – Jonathan Balcombe (Macmillan 2006)

Regarding Animals: Animals, Culture, and Society– Arnold Arluke and Clinton R. Sanders (Temple University Press, 1996)

Representing Animals(Theories of Contemporary Culture)- N. Rothfels (ed.) (Indiana University Press, 2003)

The Ape and the Sushi Master: Cultural Reflections of a Primatologist - Frans De Waal (Basic Books, 2001)

The Man Who Listens to Horses - Monty Roberts (Arrow, 1997)

The Parrot's Lament: And Other True Tales of Animal Intrigue, Intelligence, and Ingenuity - Eugene Linden (Dutton / Plume, 2000)

The Parrot Who Owns Me: The Story of a Relationship - Joanna Burger (Random House, 2001)

The Sacred Depths of Nature – Ursula Goodenough (Oxford University Press, 1998)

The Voice of the Infinite in the Small: Revisioning the Insect-Human Connection - Joanne E. Lauck (Granite, 1999)

The Whole Hog: Exploring the Extraordinary Potential of Pigs – Lyall Watson (Profile Books, 2004)

When Elephants Weep - Jeffrey Masson & Susan McCarthy (Vintage, 1996)


Intersectionality, power and patriarchy

Animal Geographies: Place, Politics, and Identity in the Nature-Culture Borderlands - Jennifer Wolch & Jody Emel (eds) (Verso, 1998)

Animal Rights / Human Rights: Entanglements of Oppression and Liberation - David Nibert (Rowman and Littlefield, 2002)

Animals and Women - Carole Adams(Duke University Press, 1995)

Antivivisection and Medical Science in Victorian Society - Richard D French (Princeton University Press, 1975)

An Unnatural Order - Jim Mason (Continuum, 1997)

Autobiography of a Revolutionary: Essays on Animal and Human Rights - Roberta Kalechofsky (Micah Publications, 2001)

Beyond Animal Rights - Carole Adams (Continuum, 2000)

Beyond Boundaries. Humans and Animals- Barbara Noske (Black Rose Books, 1997)

Child Abuse, Domestic Violence and Animal Abuse - Frank Askione and Phil Arkow (Purdue, 1998)

Cruelty to Animals and Interpersonal Violence: Readings in Research and Application - Randall Lockwood and Frank R. Ascione (eds) (Purdue University Press, 1998)

De-Facing Power- Clarissa R. Hayward (Cambridge University Press, 2000.

Earth Ethics: Environmental Ethics, Animal Rights and Practical Applications - James P. Sterba (ed) (2nd ed, Prentice Hall, 1994)

Ecofeminism: Women, Animals and Nature - Greta Gaard (ed) (Temple University Press, 1993)

Ecofeminist Philosophy: A Western Perspective on What It Is and Why It Matters - Karen J. Warren Lanham (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2000.

Entanglements of Power: Geographies of domination/resistance- J.P. Sharp, P. Routledge, C. Philo & R. Paddison (eds.) (Routledge, 1999)

Eternal Treblinka: Our Treatment of Animals and the Holocaust - Charles Patterson (Lantern Books, 2002)

‘Feminism and Ecology’ in Society and Nature Journal (Vol 1, No 2) (Institute of Social Ecology / Society and Nature Press, 1993)

Feminism, Animals and Science: The Naming of the Shrew - Lynda Birke (Taylor & Francis, 1994)

More than the Parts: Biology and Politics - Lynda Birke & Jonathan Silvertown (eds) (Pluto Press, 1984)

Natural Relations: Ecology, Animal Rights and Social Justice - Ted Benton (Verso, 1993)

Neither Man nor Beast - Carole Adams (Continuum, 1994)

Primate Visions: Gender, Race, and Nature in the World of Modern Science – Donna Haraway (Verso 1992)

Rape of the Wild - Andree Collard (Women’s Press, 1988)

Refusnik: Israel’s Soldiers of Conscience - Peretz Kidron (ed) (Zed Books, 2004)

Science as Salvation: A Modern Myth and Its Meaning - Mary Midgley (Routledge, 1994)

Speciesism – Joan Dunayer (Ryce Publishing, 2004)

The Animal Rights/Environmental Ethics Debate: The Environmental Perspective - Eugene C. Hargrove (ed) (State University of New York Press, 1992)

The Dreaded Comparison: Human and Animal Slavery - Marjorie Spiegel (Mirror, 1997)

The Holocaust & the Henmaid’s Tale: A Case doe Comparing Atrocities – Karen Davis (Lantern Books, 2005)

The New Conscientious Objection: From Sacred to Secular Resistance - Charles C. Moskos & John Whiteclay Chambers (eds) (Oxford University Press, 1994)

The Old Brown Dog: Women, Workers, and Vivisection in Edwardian England - Carol Lansbury (University of Wisconsin Press, 1985)

The Rebirth of Nature - Rupert Sheldrake (Bantam, 1992)

The Rights of Nature: A History of Environmental Ethics – Roderick Frazier Nash (University of Wisconsin Press, 1989)

The Sexual Politics of Meat (10th Anniversary ed) - Carole Adams (Continuum, 1999)

The Turning Point - Fritjof Capra (Harper Collins, 1982)

Truth or Dare - Starhawk (Harper & Row, 1990)

Weaving Connections. Educating for Peace, Social and Environmental Justice- D. Selby & T. Goldstein (eds.) Sumach Press

Wisdom of the Elders: Honoring Sacred Native Visions of Nature - David T. Suzuki & Peter Knudtson (Bantam Books, 1993)


Personal empowerment

Coming Back to Life - Joanna R. Macy and Molly Young Brown (New Society, 1998)

Ethics into Action: Henry Spira and the Animal Rights Movement - Peter Singer (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2000)

Growing Whole: Self-realization on an endangered planet - Molly Young Brown (HarperCollins, 1993)

In Our Nature: Stories of Wildness - Donna Seaman (ed) (Dorling Kindersley, 2001)

Pure Lust - Mary Daly (Women’s Press, 2001)

Reason for Hope: A Spiritual Journey – Jane Goodall with Phillip Berman (Warner Books, 1999)

Speaking Out for Animals: True Stories about Real People Who Rescue Animals – Kin W. Stallwood (ed) (Lantern Books, 2001)

Spiritual Intelligence - Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall (Bloomsbury, 2001)

The Path of Least Resistance - Robert Fritz (Fawcett Columbine, 1989)

The Primal Wound: A Transpersonal View of Trauma, Addiction and Growth - John Firman and Ann Gila (State University of New York Press, 1997)

What We May Be: Techniques for Psychological and Spiritual Growth through Psychosynthesis - Piero Ferrucci (Thorsons, 1995)



Campaigning Against Cruelty: The hundred year history of the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection – Emma Hopley (BUAV, 1998)