TipoPublicarAutorRespostasÚltima actualização
Study Alternatives across Latin America: catalysing change in the curriculum Gifty01 ano 19 semanas atrás
StudyRussia: update on animal experiments and alternatives in education Sumayyah01 ano 19 semanas atrás
StudyInternationalising alternatives in higher education Amardip01 ano 19 semanas atrás
StudyUK/EU: alternatives progress in Russia and Ukraine Nick01 ano 19 semanas atrás
StudyInterNICHE: Conferences and seminars in Australia, Belarus, United States, Central Europe and beyond Nick01 ano 19 semanas atrás
StudyUkraine and Russia: major InterNICHE outreach Nick01 ano 19 semanas atrás
StudyUk, InterNICHE Humane Education Award Invests in New Alternatives Worldwide Asmita01 ano 19 semanas atrás
StudyVirtual versus real laboratories in life-science education: Concepts and experiences Nick01 ano 19 semanas atrás
StudyReplacement of animals in education in Gujarat, India Nick01 ano 19 semanas atrás
StudySome reflections on the Fourth World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, New Orleans, Louisiana, August 11 through 15, 2002 Nick01 ano 19 semanas atrás
StudyAssessment of alternatives in education Nick01 ano 19 semanas atrás
StudyOn the journey toward humane education in Brazil: first request for a total ban of harmful animal use in professional and higher education Mariana01 ano 19 semanas atrás
StudyAlternatives outreach and a new student movement for humane veterinary education and practice in Egypt Sumayyah01 ano 19 semanas atrás
StudyAttitudes toward animal dissection and animal-free alternatives among high school biology teachers in Switzerland Olivier201 ano 21 semanas atrás
StudyPrevalence of Conscientious Objection Policies to Harmful Animal Use in Education at Medical and Veterinary Faculties in Europe Olivier201 ano 21 semanas atrás
StudyDissection in biology education compared to alternative methods in terms of their influence on students' emotional experience Olivier201 ano 21 semanas atrás
StudyEndoscopic simulators: training the next generation Olivier201 ano 25 semanas atrás
StudyThree-Dimensional Interactive Graphical Model of the Hindlimb Muscles of the Rat Olivier201 ano 25 semanas atrás
StudyAnatomical Evaluation of Rat and Mouse Simulators for Laboratory Animal Science Courses Olivier201 ano 25 semanas atrás
StudyEffectiveness of Laparoscopic Skills Workshop on Enhancing Knowledge and Skills of Surgical Residents and Its Comparison with DOPS (Direct Observation of Procedural Skills) Scores: Prospective Cohort Study Olivier201 ano 25 semanas atrás
StudyThe impact of a comprehensive course in advanced minimal access surgery on surgeon practice Olivier201 ano 25 semanas atrás
StudyEthical and educational considerations in minimally invasive surgery training for practicing surgeons Olivier201 ano 25 semanas atrás
StudyEin realitätsnahes Ubungsmodell zur Erlernung der mikroneuralen Chirurgie ohne Experimente am lebenden Tier [A realistic practice model for learning microneural surgery without experiments on live animals] Olivier201 ano 25 semanas atrás
StudyUsing 3D Printing to Create Personalized Brain Models for Neurosurgical Training and Preoperative Planning Olivier201 ano 25 semanas atrás
StudyReview of 3-Dimensional Printing on Cranial Neurosurgery Simulation Training Olivier201 ano 25 semanas atrás