TipoPublicarAutorRespostasÚltima actualização
StudyTowards a Humane Veterinary Education Nick01 ano 18 semanas atrás
StudyImplementation of computer-based alternatives in biomedical education Nick01 ano 18 semanas atrás
StudyEthical surgery training for veterinary students Nick01 ano 18 semanas atrás
StudyResearch project practicals for undergraduates in the biological sciences: Learning problem-solving strategies without animal experimentation Nick01 ano 18 semanas atrás
StudyA pedagogically sound, innovative, and humane plan for veterinary medical education Nick01 ano 18 semanas atrás
StudyCurricular design: Choosing and planning a humane approach to life science education Nick01 ano 18 semanas atrás
StudyReplacement in Mexico: The vision and strategies of the Center for Animal Alternatives in Education (CAAE) program Nick01 ano 18 semanas atrás
StudyThe InterNICHE Alternative Loan System: Facilitating Implementation through Access to Alternatives Asmita01 ano 18 semanas atrás
StudyFacilitating replacement through access to and training in alternatives Nick01 ano 18 semanas atrás
StudyReplacement in Mexico: the vision and strategies of the Center for Animal Alternatives in Education (CAAE) program [abstract] Aye01 ano 18 semanas atrás
StudyDevelopment of Simulation Software for Experiments on the Perfused Frog’s Heart Asmita01 ano 18 semanas atrás
StudyThe InterNICHE alternative loan system: facilitating implementation through access to alternatives [abstract] Amardip01 ano 18 semanas atrás
StudyCurricular transformation at St Petersburg State Veterinary Academy [abstract] Sumayyah01 ano 18 semanas atrás
StudyImplementation of a body donation program and use of software: Replacement in veterinary anatomy in Peru [abstract] Sumayyah01 ano 18 semanas atrás
StudyAn ethical scoring system for the production and assessment of alternatives in education and training Sumayyah01 ano 18 semanas atrás
StudyThe impact of education and training alternatives on animals, society, research and testing Nick01 ano 18 semanas atrás
StudyThe impact of education and training alternatives on animals, society, research and testing [abstract] Aye01 ano 18 semanas atrás
StudyEthically sourced animal cadavers and tissue: considerations for education and training Nick01 ano 18 semanas atrás
StudyFrom Policy to Practice: illustrating the viability of full replacement Nick01 ano 18 semanas atrás
StudyOutreach, alternatives awareness and replacement in Russia Nick01 ano 18 semanas atrás
StudyBrazil starts to ban animal use in higher education: A positive and progressive development Olivier201 ano 18 semanas atrás
StudyTeaching physiology is possible without killing Nick01 ano 18 semanas atrás
StudyIntegration of alternatives to harmful animal use in the educational system of Ukraine: Problems, progress, perspectives Nick01 ano 18 semanas atrás
StudyIntegration of alternatives to harmful animal use in the educational system of Ukraine: problems, progress, perspectives [abstract] Aye01 ano 18 semanas atrás
StudyClient donation program to meet the needs of veterinary medical education: Alternatives to healthy animal sacrifice Nick01 ano 18 semanas atrás