TypePosterAuteurRéponsesDernière mise à jour
StudyCurrent concepts in simulation and other alternatives for veterinary education: a review Mariana0Il y a 4 années 44 semaines
StudyPrevious Next Exploring the use of alternatives to animals in undergraduate education in Australia Mariana0Il y a 4 années 44 semaines
StudyThe Virtual Pharmacology Lab — A Repository of Free Educational Resources to Support Animal-free Pharmacology Teaching Mariana0Il y a 4 années 44 semaines
StudyOs Animais Como Recurso Didático Nas Aulas de Medicina Veterinária: Estudo Em Universidades Do Estado Do Paraná Mariana0Il y a 4 années 44 semaines
StudyConsciência Na Substituição Do Uso de Animais No Ensino: Aspectos Históricos, Éticos E de Legislação Mariana0Il y a 4 années 44 semaines
StudyParticipation of Brazil in the World Congresses on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences: An Increase in Commitment to the Three Rs Mariana0Il y a 4 années 44 semaines
StudyProposal for a Brazilian Centre on Alternative Test Methods Mariana0Il y a 4 années 44 semaines
StudyConscientious Objection to Harmful Animal Use within Veterinary and Other Biomedical Education Mariana0Il y a 4 années 44 semaines
StudyCanine prostate palpation simulator as a teaching tool in veterinary education Mariana0Il y a 4 années 44 semaines
StudyThe end of harmful animal use in professional and higher education: an on-going process in Brazil Mariana0Il y a 4 années 44 semaines
StudyToward a psychology of human-animal relations Mariana0Il y a 4 années 44 semaines
StudyImproving biotech education through gamified laboratory simulations Mariana0Il y a 4 années 44 semaines
AlternativeCanine Dental Surgical Model pero0Il y a 4 années 45 semaines
AlternativeCanine bandaging limbs pero0Il y a 4 années 45 semaines
AlternativeSuture training pads pero0Il y a 4 années 45 semaines
AlternativeCanine Spay Simulator pero0Il y a 4 années 45 semaines
AlternativeBovine Rectal Palpation Simulator pero0Il y a 4 années 45 semaines
ProducerVeterinary Simulator Industries Ltd. pero0Il y a 4 années 45 semaines
AlternativeSynDaver Synthetic Frog pero0Il y a 4 années 47 semaines
AlternativeCircAdapt pero0Il y a 5 années 8 semaines
ProducerMaastricht University pero0Il y a 5 années 8 semaines
AlternativeAnimal Simulator pero0Il y a 5 années 14 semaines
ProducerRELX India Pvt. Ltd. pero0Il y a 5 années 14 semaines
AlternativeVeterinary Vascular Access Sleeve pero0Il y a 5 années 15 semaines
AlternativeCanine Head Vascular Access Simulator pero0Il y a 5 années 15 semaines