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InterNICHE and holds a major international conference every few years. These events offer leading international and local speakers, challenging workshops, Multimedia Exhibitions with some of the latest teaching products, and room for lots of discussion and networking. Delegates include teachers, product developers, students and animal protection campaigners.

See also Speakers and Outreach.



Programme and Abstracts for The 1st InterNICHE Conference: "New teaching approaches in the life sciences"

Organised by InterNICHE, APMA and S.E.A.
21 - 22 February 2001, Brussels
Organised in collaboration with the Belgian Platform for Alternative Methods (Prince Laurent Foundation)

Programme (29 Kb - Microsoft Word)

Biography and Abstracts (88 Kb - Microsoft Word)

Alternatives Room (42.5 Kb - Microsoft Word)


EuroNICHE & InterNICHE Conferences, 1988-2001

1988     Bergen an Zee, The Netherlands
1989     Edinburgh, Scotland
1990     Frankfurt, Germany
1991     Helsingor, Denmark
1992     Budapest, Hungary
1993     Hradec Krбlovй, Czech Republic
1994     Uppsala, Sweden
1995     Bridport, England
1996     Florence, Italy
1997     Hoek van Holland, The Netherlands
1998     Sighisoara, Romania
2001     Brussels, Belgium