Alternatives Database
Horse Skeleton (Equus Caballus)
Producer: 3B Scientific GmbHThis horse skeleton model is a real, complete skeleton which enables students to make a closer examination of the bone structure of Equus caballus. This horse skeleton model consists of approx 252 individually mounted bones and is supplied on a display base mounted on wheels for easy demonstation. The equine skeleton specimin would be perfect as a teaching tool for veterinary students or for teaching comparative anatomy.
A female or male horse skeleton is available, please specify which option your require.
Our real animal skeleton range by 3B Scientific is prepared by professional taxidermists in Europe, ensuring the models are mounted to the highest quality and that every bone from the animal is displayed. No animals have been bred or killed solely for the purpose of making these specimens, and these models are certified to pose no risk of infection due to infectious zoonotic pathogens.
Price: £9,540.00 inc VAT £7,950.00 exc VAT (available through