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StudyModular delivery of core surgical skills instruction in veterinary medicine Nikhil012 anos 13 semanas atrás
StudyLive zoology and digital technologies as effective alternatives for animal use in zoology curriculum: A success story from MDS University Ajmer, India Nikhil012 anos 13 semanas atrás
StudyAlternatives to animal dissection in teaching veterinary anatomy [abstract] Aye012 anos 13 semanas atrás
StudyOutcomes of efforts of Mahatma Gandhi – Doerenkamp Center (MGDC), India, to replace animal dissections in life science and biomedical science education [abstract] Nikhil012 anos 13 semanas atrás
StudyLearning research skills in the life sciences without using animals [abstract] Amardip012 anos 13 semanas atrás
StudyAlternatives to laboratory animals in microsurgical training Nicholas012 anos 13 semanas atrás
StudyFirst ethics ranking of universities in Germany [abstract] Nikhil012 anos 13 semanas atrás
StudyRole of computer-based technology as an animal alternative – digital transformation in animal science and zoology curricular [abstract] Amardip012 anos 13 semanas atrás
StudyAnimals and alternatives in biomedical education in Baltics Amardip012 anos 13 semanas atrás
StudyAlternatives to animal testing in the faculty of veterinary medicine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico Nikhil012 anos 13 semanas atrás
StudyAlternatives to animal testing in veterinary education in Mexico Sumayyah012 anos 13 semanas atrás
StudyTraining courses on laboratory animal science: animal welfare is dependent on the education and training of researchers [abstract] Aye012 anos 13 semanas atrás
StudyThe regulations concerning animal experiments in education by the German Animal Rights Law Nicholas012 anos 13 semanas atrás
StudyTotally artificial training model for coronary heart surgery: the renunciation of animal experiments? Nicholas012 anos 13 semanas atrás
StudyTeaching surgical techniques in the twenty-first century Nikhil012 anos 13 semanas atrás
StudyAlternatives to animals in teaching: Experience in an Indian medical school Nikhil012 anos 13 semanas atrás
StudySimulating the effects of drugs on the ciliary motility of frog oesophagus [abstract] Aye012 anos 13 semanas atrás
Study Virtual dog for demonstrating the cardiovascular effects of drugs [abstract] Amardip012 anos 13 semanas atrás
StudyObservations on a novel universal skills-based approach to veterinary clinical skills education [abstract] Amardip012 anos 13 semanas atrás
StudyChallenges of using alternatives to animals in laboratory classes in physiology: the Spanish experience Nikhil012 anos 13 semanas atrás
StudySimulation of animal experiments using mannequins, chemical sensors and computer software Nikhil012 anos 13 semanas atrás
StudySoftware controlled artificial animal models for teaching animal experiments [abstract] Aye012 anos 13 semanas atrás
StudyA package of simulation softwares as an alternative of animal use with enhancing teaching quality for pharmacology practical classes [abstract] Amardip012 anos 13 semanas atrás
StudyAlternative to animals in the teaching of pharmacology laboratory [abstract] Aye012 anos 13 semanas atrás
StudyBrueghel’s Two Monkeys: Passing the Final Exam in the History of Mankind Gifty012 anos 13 semanas atrás