Academic database
Studies database (Academic database)
Full paper
InterNICHE categorisation
InterNICHE summary & comments
Whole database only available to NCs & Partners now; later to be launched publicly
Full paper only ever available to NCs & Partners, and to selected others
PMID = PubMed ID. PMID should have link to abstract on PubMed
Keywords are author defined
Some fields won’t be filled
Searching needed by main author, any author, year, journal, keyword, discipline, any
word, PMID, InterNICHE categorisation
InterNICHE categorisation: We discussed this for the alts database too – is it needed?
I wanted to categorise according to discipline, theme etc; but maybe the
search facility is sufficient
Like the database, we may want to look at each result separately, or a group of results;
and to print out results
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ah, title
Vadim, the formatting doesn't
Vadim, the formatting doesn't stay the same. My message was a nice list before...
Right using of Paste
It was because you copy-past this text from another application. It includes some extra formating that is not supported in website. So it's looks but not saved. Because security and style reasons.
Instead of simple paste, you should paste by button 'Paste Text' or 'Paste from Word', then format it using just button in this editor.