VrstaČlanak (Post)AutorOdgovoriOsvježeno
StudyVirtual reality simulation of fluoroscopic navigation LeonLeon0prije 3 godine 3 dana
StudyLinking cardiovascular theory to practice in an undergraduate medical curriculum LeonLeon0prije 3 godine 3 dana
StudyComputer-aided learning in the real world of medical education: does the quality of interaction with the computer affect student learning? LeonLeon0prije 3 godine 3 dana
StudyVirtual reality techniques. Application to anatomic visualization and orthopaedics training LeonLeon0prije 3 godine 3 dana
StudyEvaluation of a surgical simulator for learning clinical anatomy LeonLeon0prije 3 godine 6 tjedana
StudyFrom Resusci-Anne to Sim-Man: the evolution of simulators in medicine LeonLeon0prije 3 godine 6 tjedana
StudyNew aspects on critical care medicine training LeonLeon0prije 3 godine 6 tjedana
StudyPediatric simulation: a valuable tool for pediatric medical education LeonLeon0prije 3 godine 6 tjedana
StudyAlternative model for teaching microsurgery LeonLeon0prije 3 godine 6 tjedana
StudyA survey of the content of BSc courses in pharmacology in UK universities--is it time for a core curriculum? LeonLeon0prije 3 godine 6 tjedana
StudyResearch on problem-based learning: the need for critical analysis of methods and findings LeonLeon0prije 3 godine 7 tjedana
StudyUsing computer-assisted instruction to teach nutrition LeonLeon0prije 3 godine 7 tjedana
StudyReport of a group developing a virtual reality simulator for arthroscopic surgery of the knee joint LeonLeon0prije 3 godine 7 tjedana
StudyVirtual-reality-assisted interventional procedures LeonLeon0prije 3 godine 7 tjedana
StudyRESPSYST: an interactive microcomputer program for education LeonLeon0prije 3 godine 7 tjedana
StudyA role for clinical case simulations in basic medical science education LeonLeon0prije 3 godine 7 tjedana
AlternativeClam Dissection TfAd20200prije 3 godine 9 tjedana
AlternativeCrayfish Dissection TfAd20200prije 3 godine 9 tjedana
AlternativePerch Dissection TfAd20200prije 3 godine 9 tjedana
AlternativeFrog Dissection TfAd20200prije 3 godine 9 tjedana
AlternativeCow Eye Dissection TfAd20200prije 3 godine 9 tjedana
AlternativeSheep Heart Dissection TfAd20200prije 3 godine 9 tjedana
AlternativeSea Star (Starfish) Dissection TfAd20200prije 3 godine 9 tjedana
AlternativeDogfish Shark Dissection Video TfAd20200prije 3 godine 9 tjedana
AlternativeEarthworm Dissection TfAd20200prije 3 godine 9 tjedana