VrstaČlanak (Post)AutorOdgovoriOsvježeno
StudyUtilization and acceptance of virtual patients in veterinary basic sciences - the vetVIP-project. Olivier20prije 2 godine 45 tjedana
StudyIf you build it, they will learn: A review of models in veterinary surgical education. Olivier20prije 2 godine 45 tjedana
StudySimulation-based medical education in clinical skills laboratory. Olivier20prije 2 godine 45 tjedana
StudyAugmented and Virtual Reality in Anatomical Education - A Systematic Review Olivier20prije 2 godine 45 tjedana
StudyIntegrating a bovine rectal palpation simulator into an undergraduate veterinary curriculum. Olivier20prije 2 godine 45 tjedana
StudyBest teaching practices in anatomy education: A critical review Olivier20prije 2 godine 45 tjedana
StudyDevelopment and Evaluation of Two Canine Low-Fidelity Simulation Models. Olivier20prije 2 godine 45 tjedana
AlternativeTransgenic Fly Lab admin0prije 3 godine 19 sati
AlternativeHorse Eyeball Dissection TfAd20200prije 3 godine 19 sati
ProducerWe The Curious TfAd20200prije 3 godine 19 sati
AlternativePerch (with labels) TfAd20200prije 3 godine 19 sati
AlternativeEarthworm (with labels) TfAd20200prije 3 godine 19 sati
ProducerUniversity of Buffalo TfAd20200prije 3 godine 19 sati
AlternativeVet Anatomy TfAd20200prije 3 godine 19 sati
ProducerIMAIOS TfAd20200prije 3 godine 19 sati
AlternativeVirtual Bovine Anatomy TfAd20200prije 3 godine 20 sati
AlternativeVirtual Feline Anatomy TfAd20200prije 3 godine 20 sati
AlternativeVirtual Equine Anatomy TfAd20200prije 3 godine 20 sati
AlternativeVirtual Canine Anatomy TfAd20200prije 3 godine 20 sati
StudyComputer simulations of human lung structures for medical applications LeonLeon0prije 3 godine 1 tjedan
StudyLetter to the Editor - Protexin: take-home 'after-care' LeonLeon0prije 3 godine 1 tjedan
StudyComputers as teachers: learning from animations LeonLeon0prije 3 godine 1 tjedan
StudyThe use of lightly embalmed (fresh tissue) cadavers for resident laparoscopic training LeonLeon0prije 3 godine 1 tjedan
StudyDevelopment of interactive patient-based multimedia computer programs in veterinary orthopedic radiology LeonLeon0prije 3 godine 1 tjedan
StudySurgical skills training: simulation and multimedia combined LeonLeon0prije 3 godine 1 tjedan