Virtual Physiology

Producer: Cotor Dr. G c/o InterNICHE

The program is intended for use in physiology courses at medical-biological and veterinary faculties. "Virtual Physiology" includes the following experimental sections:

  • Cardiovascular system.
  • Physiology of digestion.
  • Neuromuscular system.
  • Physiology of breathing.
  • Urinary system.
  • Endocrine system.

Price: Freeware (ask regional representatives of "InterNICHE")

** Student Licenses - in Times of the Corona Virus

As our users know, we are sending, whenever requested, additional time-limited license files for students to let them install the programs on their own computers for experimentation at home.

This may become particularly helpful when the corona virus does not allow coming together in regular practical courses.

Please note that also each institute which wants to check the potential value of our virtual laboratories can get such time-limited licenses (e.g. for 3 months) that can be forwarded to their students. Just send a short note to braun (at), including the name and address of your institution.

Virtual Physiology

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