Rabbit Arterial Blood Pressure - Extrinsic Innervation, Pharmacodynamic Agents

Producer: SFRS (Service du Film de Recherche Scientifique)

Video detailing the preparation of the experimental material (in particular, the Ludwing manometer); anaesthesia of the rabbit; filling the manometer; dissection: carotid artery and innervation; cannulation and recording (total pressure); stimulation of the vagus nerve; stimulation of the Cyon nerve; stimulation of the sympathetic nerve; adrenaline injections; and acetylcholine injections.


Language: French
Year of production: 1974
Format: DVD
Running time: 27 mins.
Price: Individual use: €20.00 (Europe), €20.00 (rest of the world); Institutional use: €35.00 (Europe), €35.00 (rest of the world).
Note: The original title of this program is La Pression artérielle du lapin - Innervation extrinsèque, agents pharmacodynamiques

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