Alternatives Database
Professional Abdominal Opening & Closure Trainer
Producer: Limbs & Things, Ltd.A sophisticated abdominal wall pad incorporating epidermis, dermis, fat & linea alba. This pad, with separate peritoneum layer, is mounted on a base for teaching all surgical access and closure techniques to the abdomen.
- In addition to those of the Standard AOCT 60305:
- Incisions: linear, ellipse, flaps, shaped
- Subcuticular undermining
- Simple and advanced interrupted suturing techniques
- Subcuticular suturing
- Continuous suturing
- Stapling
- Use of adhesive strips
In addition to those of the Standard AOCT:
- 5 layered system represents the abdominal wall anatomy: epidermis, dermis, fat, linea alba, peritoneum
Package Contents:
- 1 AOCT base
- 1 Professional AOCT Pad 60431
- 2 peritoneums
- 5 balloons
Replacement Parts:
- Professional AOCT Pad
Price: $230.00 (Part 60430)
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