Clinical Response Lower (CRL)

Producer: TacMed Solutions (previously known as TraumaF/X)

High Fidelity Trauma Trainer and Simulator
The Clinical Response Lower (CRL) is a ruggedized and wirelessly remote-controlled human patient medical trainer that delivers high-fidelity realism and durability, creating the most authentic simulation of traumatic injuries to support Point of Injury (POI), Secondary Care and Prolonged Field Care.

The CRL adds to the robust capabilities of the Multiple Amputation Trauma Trainer (MATT)® and Packable Hemostatic (HEMO) Trauma Trainer and delivers a full left leg with a bleeding wound at the inguinal crease for hemostatic wound training, catheterization capabilities, and traumatic amputation of the right leg requiring a tourniquet.

Remote Controlled with Real-time Sensor Data
All high-fidelity simulators are operated by a long-range RC controller, including real-time telemetry to monitor medical interventions. Easy to use, menu-driven software takes only minutes to learn, and sensor data is immediately displayed on the main control screen for quick reference. The display shows key vitals and provides instructors with instant data on the effectiveness of student interventions such as tourniquet application, wound hemostasis, airway intervention, needle decompression, and chest tube placement.

Pair with any upper torso trainer to optimize your training experience.

Price: Contact company for price.

Clinical Response Lower (CRL)

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