Blood Pressure Regulation

Producer: University of Groningen

This self-supporting multimedia program is a realistic alternative for first year students in the biomedical sciences, which allows them to learn in an interactive and attractive way about key physiological aspects of blood pressure regulation in the rat. The use of high-quality video during surgery and experiments, together with a scientific research approach (Introduction, Material and methods, Results, Discussion), makes the program a worthwhile replacement for experiments on rats. Students are guided through every stage of real scientific animal experiments, asked to interpret the data, and draw conclusions. They follow the program individually, but it is possible for 2 students to work together.


Language: Dutch, English; other languages possible
Year of production: 2002
Medium: CD-ROM; world wide web
System requirements: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP, Internet Explorer 5+, QuickTime 4, DirectX (newest version recommended); Pentium II with 450 MHz processor, 64 MB RAM, 8 MB video card, 16-bit sound card, high colour display with 800 x 600 24-bit resolution; 300 MB free on the HDD to copy the program (otherwise the movies won’t run smoothly). An HTML 1.1 version is under construction at the time of publication
Price: €50.00

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