Electrical Activity of the Myocardium and Transmembrane Ionic Currents

Producer: SFRS (Service du Film de Recherche Scientifique)

This film presents the experimental recording technique of transmembrane potentials using the ‘voltage clamp’ and the ‘current clamp’ methods. Atrial action potential phases are identified by recording the effects of a solution with different ionic concentrations and the effects of various pharmacodynamic agents, and traces recorded on an oscilloscope with memory and explanation of results through animation.


Language: French
Year of production: 1970
Format: DVD
Running time: 36 mins.
Price: Individual use: €20.00 (Europe), €20.00 (rest of the world); Institutional use: €35.00 (Europe), €35.00 (rest of the world)
Note: The original title of this program is Activité électrique du myocarde et les courants ioniques transmembranaires

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