Bronchoscopy and Anaesthesiology Trainer ‘Broncho Boy II’

Producer: Marcus Sommer Somso Modelle

This is a teaching model for flexible fibre optic bronchoscopy, rigid bronchoscopy, fibre optic-guided naso- and orotracheal intubation, laryngoscopic intubation, and auto-fluorescent bronchoscopy. While retaining the life-like anatomical features of the original ‘Broncho Boy’, ‘Broncho-Boy II’ incorporates a number of innovations enabling its use in a variety of training settings. It comprises retroflexion and left-right rotation of the head for laryngoscopic, orotracheal and bronchoscopic intubation; an acoustic warning signal if excessive pressure exerted on upper teeth by rigid tube or laryngoscope; slightly widened and softer nasal passages for fibre-optic guided nasotracheal intubation; reduced danger of damage to sheath; interchangeable, membrane-connected balloons, enabling stethoscopic confirmation of endotracheal tube placement; new, spring-based supports for tracheobronchial tree which increase pliability and reduce the likelihood of bronchoscope damage; exchangeable fluorescent tracheobronchial system with ‘cold’ areas of reduced fluorescence for practising autofluorescent bronchoscopy. H25 cm, W70 cm, D38, Wt 11.5 kg.


Medium: Simulator
Price: On request, from regional distributors

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