TypInläggFörfattareSvarSenast uppdaterad
StudyA comparison of surgical training with live anesthetized dogs and cadavers Sumayyah013 år 4 veckor sedan
StudyAlternative approaches to veterinary surgical training Sumayyah013 år 4 veckor sedan
StudyThe Ins and Outs of Cruelty Free Science Asmita013 år 4 veckor sedan
StudyThe Limits of Conscientious Objection, May Pharmacists Refuse to Fill Prescriptions for Emergency Contraception Sumayyah013 år 4 veckor sedan
StudyAn inquiring mind. B Science (Physiology). In Developing lifelong learners through undergraduate education Sumayyah013 år 4 veckor sedan
StudyAn axial skeleton based surface deformation algorithm for patient specific anatomic modeling Sumayyah013 år 4 veckor sedan
StudyVirtual-reality-assisted interventional procedures Sumayyah013 år 4 veckor sedan
StudyPatient-specific anatomic models. Geometric surface generation from Sumayyah013 år 4 veckor sedan
StudyOx tongue: an alternative model for surgical training Sumayyah013 år 4 veckor sedan
StudyInvestigators' interrelationship with laboratory animals Sumayyah013 år 4 veckor sedan
StudyAn historical perspective of veterinary medical education Sumayyah013 år 4 veckor sedan
StudyHuman/Animal Inter-Relationships,Our Responsibilities To Our Animals Sumayyah013 år 4 veckor sedan
StudyUsing newly deceased patients to teach resuscitation procedures Sumayyah013 år 4 veckor sedan
StudyFirst Principles: Physical Science Concepts As A Foundation For Advanced Studies In Physiology Sumayyah013 år 4 veckor sedan
StudyA basic model for practice of intracranial microsurgery Gifty013 år 4 veckor sedan
StudyUsing 3D animations to teach intracellular signal transduction mechanisms: taking the arrows out of cells Sumayyah013 år 4 veckor sedan
StudyVivisection: a chapter in the sociology of Victorian science Sumayyah013 år 4 veckor sedan
StudyGuidelines for animal surgery in research and teaching. AVMA Panel on Animal Surgery in Research and Teaching Sumayyah013 år 4 veckor sedan
StudyAnimal welfare education: development and prospects Sumayyah013 år 4 veckor sedan
StudyPreOp endoscopic simulator: a PC-based immersive training system for bronchoscopy Sumayyah013 år 4 veckor sedan
StudyVirtual Reality Methods for Veterinary Clinical Skills Acquisition Asmita013 år 4 veckor sedan
StudyInteractive Video Disc Simulated Animal Experiments: Heart Sounds And Murmurs In The Dog Sumayyah013 år 4 veckor sedan
StudyDissection as an instructional technique in secondary science: Choice and alternatives Sumayyah013 år 4 veckor sedan
StudyTraining for laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication with a newly designed model: a replacement for animal tissue models? Asmita013 år 4 veckor sedan
StudyWhat is going on in augmented reality simulation in laparoscopic surgery? Gifty013 år 4 veckor sedan