Studies Database
Patil CR. Multimedia software for demonstrating animal experiments in pharmacology. AATEX 2008;14(Special Issue):329-332
For demonstration of animal experiments to undergraduate students of medical and paramedical faculties, a large number of animals are sacrificed every year. Such demonstrations can be humanely presented using computer simulations rather than experimental animals. Considering the necessity of such computer assisted learning tool to reduce/ replace the animal use and to refine the demonstrations as well the teaching process, a software X-cology: An Interactive CD-ROM for Pharmacology Undergraduates' was developed.
This software (developed in Multimedia Director, Flash and visual basic for windows) displays complete video demonstrations of different procedures like isolation and mounting of animal tissues followed by on screen interactive interface to study the effects of various drugs on the isolated tissues. It simulates / demonstrates experiments causing undue pain to animals. The presentation is made user friendly and self explanatory.
This software can minimize the use of experimental animals in routine practical classes. It provides a tool to the teachers to clearly convey the required details on animal experiments.
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Author's keywords: computer assisted learning, animal experiments, humane alternatives, multimedia software, teaching aid
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Link to journal: AATEX - Alternatives to Animal Testing and Experimentation
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