Studies Database
Hlinkina T, Katusova E, Chmyrova A and Tyletskaya A. Importance of students' involvement in humanization of education [abstract]. ALTEX. 2009;26(Special Issue):219. Abstract 242
Students have a right to humane education. Personal initiative of students plays an important role in education humanization. The results of questioning medical students and student biologists show that 52% of respondents consider that experiments on animals are unnecessary and that there are other methods of acquiring equivalent knowledge. All respondents think that teachers should inform students about the possibilities of humane alternatives usage, 70% of students would be able to protest against experiments on animals. To inform students and young scientists about possibilities of humane education, the creative group of students EcoUni developed the optional course "Alternatives to experiments on animals". The tasks of the course include analysis of animal usage expediency in historical and modern perspectives of the experiment, ethical treatment of laboratory animals, familiarization with the pos-sibilities of humane education and science, which are achieved by alternatives usage, evaluation of legal regulation relevance in responsible treatment of laboratory animals, determination of importance to make students realize their rights to an education without cruelty.
Link to journal: ALTEX - Alternatives to Animal Experimentation
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