Studies Database
Jukes N and Chiuia M. From Guinea Pig to Computer Mouse: The evolution and impact of an alternatives book and database . Poster session presented at: Calling on Science. 7th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences; 2009 Aug 30 - Sept 3; Rome, Italy
The alternatives book and database From Guinea Pig to Computer Mouse: Alternative Methods for a Progressive, Humane Education (2nd ed.) was published by InterNICHE in 2003, updated and launched on-line in 2006, and updated again in 2009. Part A of the resource addresses humane education and replacement alternatives, curricular design, assessment of knowledge and skills acquisition, and conscientious objection. Part B, written by contributing teachers, provides international case studies addressing the development and implementation of alternatives. Part C is the database of over 500 alternatives, presenting the results of primary research by InterNICHE. The database is ordered according to discipline (anatomy, clinical skills and surgery, physiology etc); according to medium (software, video, model / simulator, web-based resource); and according to individual alternative product. For each product there is a full description, detailed specifications, price and source. Part D details web and other resources, libraries of alternatives, organisations and producers, and the Appendix presents the InterNICHE Policy on the Use of Animals and Alternatives in Education. The database provides concise information to teachers, students, campaigners and others to facilitate informed choices about learning tools and approaches, and is a required reference resource for some university ethics committees. The resource has been translated whole or in part into 14 languages, and over 12,000 copies in book form or on CD/DVD have been distributed in over 70 countries. On-line use of the resource, and downloads, have also been numerous and global.
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Author's keywords: animals, education, alternatives, InterNICHE, database
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