Studies Database
Thiel W. Die Konservierung ganzer Leichen in natürlichen Farben [The preservation of the whole corpse with natural color]. Ann Anat. 1992 Jun;174(3):185-95
PMID: 1503236Abstract
An especially low-odor embalming technique was developed over a 30-years-period using a total of 977 complete cadavers, numerous cadavers after autopsy, and in vitro series of fresh beef. The color, consistency, and transparency of the tissue were very well preserved. The technique met high standards of preservation without releasing harmful substances into the environment. Concentrations of formaldehyde in room air remained under the limit of detection by Dräger capillaries. The efficacy for disinfection of the method was confirmed by bacteriologic tests. None of the cadavers or samples developed molds.
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