종류글 제목글쓴이댓글마지막 업데이트
StudyAnimals in Education: An Online Course Based on the Principle of Observing Animals in Nature as an Alternative to Using Animals in the Classroom Asmita012년 48주 전
StudyUse of animation-enhanced video clips for teaching abnormal breathing patterns Sumayyah012년 48주 전
StudyThe fourth-year veterinary student as a "Teaching Assistant" in the operative surgery laboratory Sumayyah012년 48주 전
StudyA virtual reality simulator for objective assessment of surgeons' laparoscopic skill Sumayyah012년 48주 전
StudySurvey of the Surgical Curricula of Veterinary Colleges Sumayyah012년 48주 전
StudyWeb-based interactive 3D visualization as a tool for improved anatomy learning Gifty012년 48주 전
StudyUse of virtual reality simulator in the training of postgraduated surgical residents Nicholas012년 48주 전
StudyThe gender shift in the veterinary profession and attitudes towards animals: A survey and overview Sumayyah012년 48주 전
StudyEffective searching of the scientific literature for alternatives: search grids for appropriate databases Sumayyah012년 48주 전
StudyE-learning tools for education: regulatory aspects, current applications in radiology and future prospects Gifty012년 48주 전
StudyMainstreaming alternatives in veterinary medical education: resource development and curricular reform Sumayyah012년 48주 전
StudyAlternatives to the use of live animals in veterinary school curricula Sumayyah012년 48주 전
StudyMainstreaming alternatives in veterinary medical education: resource development and curricular reform Gifty012년 48주 전
StudyAssessment of the Learning Curve for Endoscopic Pancreatic Fluid Collection Drainage Sumayyah012년 48주 전
StudyTeaching without a teacher: developing competence with a Bullard laryngoscope using only a structured self-learning course and practicing on a mannequin Gifty012년 48주 전
StudyResearch in medical problem solving: a review Sumayyah012년 48주 전
StudyStudents’ Conscience and the Trend in Animal Utilisation for Teaching and Research – Before and After the CPCSEA Asmita012년 48주 전
StudyProblem-solving concepts and theories Sumayyah012년 48주 전
StudyA meta-analysis of the training effectiveness of virtual reality surgical simulators Nicholas012년 48주 전
StudyDebating vivisection within the curriculum Sumayyah012년 48주 전
StudyAn Alternative Model for Teaching Emergency Procedures Sumayyah012년 48주 전
StudySome thoughts on veterinary medicine and surgery practice acts Sumayyah012년 48주 전
StudyUnderstanding the Appeal to Academic Freedom Asmita012년 48주 전
StudySimulation in critical care and trauma education and training Sumayyah012년 48주 전
StudyA laboratory training model in fresh cadaveric sheep brain for microneurosurgical dissection of cranial nerves in posterior fossa Gifty012년 48주 전