NewsPanvet Congress 2012: First ever alternatives theme and exhibition Nick012年 3週 前
AlternativeAlternative methods in physiology of cardiovascular and respiratory system (Использование альтернативных методов при изучении физиологии сердечно-сосудистой и дыхательной системы) pero012年 8週 前
AlternativeAlternative methods in physiology of digestive system pero012年 8週 前
ProducerKOKEN CO.,LTD admin012年 12週 前
News教育における代替法新学術研究データベース Nick012年 13週 前
StudyEducation and training for researchers in laboratory animal science in Australia [abstract] Aye012年 13週 前
StudyThree Rs in the research and education system of Pakistan: Perspectives and possibilities Aye012年 13週 前
StudyEducation and training system in Japanese research laboratories in a global pharmaceutical company Aye012年 13週 前
StudyE-Learning A new tool for the education of young scientists in the humane treatment of experimental animals: A contribution to the 3R Aye012年 13週 前
StudyA prototype software to sensitize medical undergraduate students to animal research methodology Aye012年 13週 前
StudyMultimedia software for demonstrating animal experiments in pharmacology Aye012年 13週 前
StudyTraining the animal doctor: Caring as a clinical skill Nick012年 13週 前
StudyThe effect of the Middle East conflict on the use of animals in training, research and testing in Israel Nick012年 13週 前
StudyHumane teaching methods prove efficacious within veterinary and other biomedical education Aye012年 13週 前
StudyBioSafaris: A rationale for educational software on human biology and health in pre-college as an alternative to dissection Aye012年 13週 前
StudyAnimal rights in Islam Aye012年 13週 前
StudyGuidelines for the development of student choice policies regarding dissection in colleges and universities: An ethnographic analysis of faculty and student concerns Aye012年 13週 前
StudyA new model for developing computer-based alternatives to using animals in tertiary education Aye012年 13週 前
StudyIs it possible to meet the learning objectives of undergraduate pharmacology classes with non-animal models? Aye012年 13週 前
StudyRole of simulator in surgical blood pressure Aye012年 13週 前
StudyWillingness to spare animals in undergraduate medical education in Southern India: a preliminary questionnaire-based investigation Gifty012年 13週 前
StudyStrategies for the reduction of live animal use in microsurgical training and education Sumayyah012年 13週 前
StudyValidation of the educational potential of a simulator to develop abilities and skills for the creation and maintenance of an intravenous cannula Nicholas012年 13週 前
StudyThe current status of animal use and alternatives in Korean veterinary medical schools Sumayyah012年 13週 前
StudyThe impact of introducing computer-based alternatives to the use of animals in the teaching of physiology and pharmacology at Balkan universities - a pilot study Gifty012年 13週 前