StudyHow should we be teaching our undergraduates? Sumayyah013年 2週 前
StudyThe role of a basic surgical skills laboratory as viewed by medical students (6th year) Sumayyah013年 2週 前
StudyEmergency department resuscitative procedures: animal laboratory training improves procedural competency and speed Sumayyah013年 2週 前
StudyReligion, Conscience, and Controversial Clinical Practices Sumayyah013年 2週 前
StudyAnimal Use, Student Choice and Nonanimal Alternatives at "America's Best" Undergraduate Colleges Sumayyah013年 2週 前
StudyMusculoskeletal Injection Skills Competency in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Residents: A Method for Development and Assessment Sumayyah013年 2週 前
StudyMusculoskeletal injection skills competency in physical medicine and rehabilitation residents: a method for development and assessment Gifty013年 2週 前
StudyAn instrument to measure attitudes towards animal uses Sumayyah013年 2週 前
StudyScalpel or mouse: a statistical comparison of real and virtual frog dissections Sumayyah013年 2週 前
StudyAdvanced non-animal microsurgical exercises Sumayyah013年 2週 前
StudyMedical and healthcare simulation: Symposium overview Sumayyah013年 2週 前
StudyManagement of Shoulder Dystocia: Skill Retention 6 and 12 Months After Training Sumayyah013年 2週 前
StudyTraining for Shoulder Dystocia: A Trial of Simulation Using Low-Fidelity and High-Fidelity Mannequins Sumayyah013年 2週 前
StudyPatient-actor perception of care: a comparison of obstetric emergency training using manikins and patient-actors Sumayyah013年 2週 前
StudyShoulder dystocia training using a new birth training mannequin Sumayyah013年 2週 前
StudyEstimation of the Pedagogical Effectiveness of Hematosim Software Asmita013年 2週 前
StudyICTS, an Interventional Cardiology Training System Sumayyah013年 2週 前
StudyValidation of a laryngeal dissection module for phonomicrosurgical training Gifty013年 2週 前
StudyVirtual reality bronchoscopy simulation: A revolution in procedural training Sumayyah013年 2週 前
Study Microvascular anastomosis training model based on a Turkey neck with perfused arteries Gifty013年 2週 前
StudyA Computer Simulation For Learning About The Physiological Response To Exercise Sumayyah013年 2週 前
StudyReplacement of laboratory animals in an introductory psychology laboratory Sumayyah013年 2週 前
StudyMulticenter, randomized, controlled trial of virtual-reality simulator training in acquisition of competency in colonoscopy Sumayyah013年 2週 前
AlternativeLearning More About Cells admin013年 2週 前
AlternativeLearning All About Dissection admin013年 2週 前