TipoContenutoAutoreRisposteUltimo aggiornamento
AlternativeCanine Urinary Bladder (Vascularized) Olivier201 anno 35 settimane fa
AlternativeCanine Spleen (Vascularized) Olivier201 anno 35 settimane fa
StudyA new platform for laparoscopic training and education Amitamit01 anno 36 settimane fa
StudyNew approaches to computer-based interventional neuroradiology training Amitamit01 anno 39 settimane fa
StudyVirtual surgical planning and CAD/CAM in the treatment of cranial defects. Amitamit01 anno 39 settimane fa
StudyUsing an approximation to the euclidean skeleton for efficient collision detection and tissue deformations in surgical simulators Amitamit01 anno 39 settimane fa
StudySimulating the continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis procedure during cataract surgery on the EYESI system Amitamit01 anno 39 settimane fa
StudyStiffness and texture perception for teledermatology Amitamit01 anno 39 settimane fa
StudyBeyond VR: creating the augmented physician Amitamit01 anno 39 settimane fa
StudyThree dimensional electromechanical model of porcine heart with penetrating wound injury Amitamit01 anno 39 settimane fa
StudySegmenting deformable surface models using haptic feedback Amitamit01 anno 39 settimane fa
StudyHaptic interaction and visualization of elastic deformation Amitamit01 anno 39 settimane fa
StudyTele-surgical simulation system for training in the use of da Vinci surgery Amitamit01 anno 39 settimane fa
StudyConstruction of a high-tech operating room for image-guided surgery using VR Amitamit01 anno 39 settimane fa
StudyFirst clinical tests with the augmented reality system INPRES Amitamit01 anno 39 settimane fa
StudyEmphatic, interactive volume rendering to support variance in user expertise Amitamit01 anno 39 settimane fa
StudyVirtual reality training improves students' knowledge structures of medical concepts Amitamit01 anno 40 settimane fa
StudyThe physiology and pharmacology of growing old, as shown in body simulation Amitamit01 anno 40 settimane fa
StudyDevelopment Development of a method for surface and subsurface modeling using force and position sensors Amitamit01 anno 41 settimane fa
StudyHaptic herniorrhaphy simulation with robust and fast collision detection algorithm Amitamit01 anno 41 settimane fa
StudyQuantifying risky behavior in surgical simulation Amitamit01 anno 41 settimane fa
StudyAn automatic robust meshing algorithm for soft tissue modeling Amitamit01 anno 41 settimane fa
StudyA novel drill set for the enhancement and assessment of robotic surgical performance Amitamit01 anno 41 settimane fa
StudyThe LapSim: a learning environment for both experts and novices Amitamit01 anno 41 settimane fa
StudyBrainTrain: brain simulator for medical VR application Amitamit01 anno 41 settimane fa