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StudyReducing the number of animals used in teaching and training of graduate students and scientists - possibilities and limitations Nikhil0prije 12 godina 13 tjedana
StudyAnimals have a right to life Sumayyah0prije 12 godina 13 tjedana
Book pageDr ThalesTréz BSc, MSc. - Part II vadim0prije 12 godina 14 tjedana
Book pageDr. Jessica Beer BVSc. vadim0prije 12 godina 14 tjedana
Book pageDr. Andrew Knight BSc., BVMS vadim0prije 12 godina 14 tjedana
NewsNew testimonies of student conscientious objection online Nick0prije 12 godina 16 tjedana
ProducerMakarchuk Prof. Nikolay U. pero0prije 12 godina 18 tjedana
Book pageDr. Lori Blankenship Ph.D, DVM vadim0prije 12 godina 23 tjedna
PageContact us Nick0prije 12 godina 26 tjedana
StudyWhy dissection videos should not replace cadaver prosections in the gross veterinary anatomy curriculum: results from a comparative study Nicholas0prije 12 godina 26 tjedana
StudyA Call for a Community of Practice to Assess the Impact of Emerging Technologies on Undergraduate Biology Education. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education Asmita0prije 12 godina 26 tjedana
StudyLiving Animals in the Classroom: A Meta-Analysis on Learning Outcome and a Treatment–Control Study Focusing on Knowledge and Motivation Gifty0prije 12 godina 26 tjedana
StudyTraditional teaching supported by computer-assisted learning for macroscopic anatomy Sumayyah0prije 12 godina 26 tjedana
StudyEvaluation of a surgical simulator for learning clinical anatomy Sumayyah0prije 12 godina 26 tjedana
StudyAttitudes of veterinary students at one US college toward factors relating to farm animal welfare Asmita0prije 12 godina 26 tjedana
Book pageDr Birgit Vollm vadim0prije 12 godina 32 tjedna
Book pageProf Lara Rasmussen DVM vadim0prije 12 godina 33 tjedna
StudyVeterinary education and students' attitudes towards animal welfare Nick0prije 12 godina 33 tjedna
Book pageDr. Lucy Fish BVSc. (Hons) vadim0prije 12 godina 37 tjedana
AlternativeBasic physiology: Stannius Ligatures (Общая физиология: Лигатуры Станниуса) pero0prije 12 godina 39 tjedana
Book pageDr Anya Yushchenko Nick0prije 12 godina 39 tjedana
AlternativeBlood and the Circulatory System pero0prije 12 godina 40 tjedana
StudyComputer-Based Learning of Neuroanatomy: A Longitudinal Study of Learning, Transfer, and Retention Gifty0prije 12 godina 40 tjedana
StudyOrganic bench model to complement the teaching and learning on basic surgical skills Gifty0prije 12 godina 40 tjedana
StudyProposal of a synthetic ethylene-vinyl acetate bench model for surgical foundations learning: suture training Gifty0prije 12 godina 40 tjedana