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AlternativeAnatomy of the Starfish admin0prije 13 godina 2 tjedna
AlternativeAmoeba Model admin0prije 13 godina 2 tjedna
AlternativeAmoeba Proteus Model admin0prije 13 godina 2 tjedna
PageAchievements vadim0prije 13 godina 2 tjedna
StudyThe Hidden Curriculum in the Harmful Use of Animals in Science Education Asmita0prije 13 godina 3 tjedna
StudyThe Israeli Animal Experimentation Law: Insights from 15 years of Legal Campaigning Nick0prije 13 godina 3 tjedna
StudyComputer-aided learning: an overvalued educational resource? Sumayyah0prije 13 godina 3 tjedna
StudySimulated medical learning environments on the Internet Sumayyah0prije 13 godina 3 tjedna
StudyStrategies for building criticism skills in undergraduate biochemists Sumayyah0prije 13 godina 3 tjedna
StudyAlternative training methods II: Incorporating inanimate surgical models Sumayyah0prije 13 godina 3 tjedna
StudyDescription and evaluation of a canine volunteer blood donor program Sumayyah0prije 13 godina 3 tjedna
StudyA graphics-based software system to develop and analyze models of musculoskeletal structures Sumayyah0prije 13 godina 3 tjedna
StudyOpenSim: open-source software to create and analyze dynamic simulations of movement Gifty0prije 13 godina 3 tjedna
StudyLearning outcomes and student-perceived value of clay modeling and cat dissection in undergraduate human anatomy and physiology Gifty0prije 13 godina 3 tjedna
Study"Concepts in animal welfare": a syllabus in animal welfare science and ethics for veterinary schools Sumayyah0prije 13 godina 3 tjedna
StudyOvercoming Conservatism: Educating Veterinarians about Animal Welfare Asmita0prije 13 godina 3 tjedna
StudyTeachers’ Assessment of Alternative Educational Models Asmita0prije 13 godina 3 tjedna
StudyDesigning a computer-based simulator for interventional cardiology training Sumayyah0prije 13 godina 3 tjedna
StudyDeterminants of cardiac function: simulation of a dynamic cardiac pump for physiology instruction Sumayyah0prije 13 godina 3 tjedna
StudyBasic principles of synaptic physiology illustrated by a computer model Sumayyah0prije 13 godina 3 tjedna
StudyOutcome-Based Education Sumayyah0prije 13 godina 3 tjedna
StudyEvaluation and validation of a virtual reality based flexible sigmoidoscopy trainer Sumayyah0prije 13 godina 3 tjedna
Study"Robotic urology in the UK: establishing a programme and emerging role" Sumayyah0prije 13 godina 3 tjedna
StudyTen years of CLIVE (Computer-Aided Learning in Veterinary Education) in the United Kingdom Sumayyah0prije 13 godina 3 tjedna
StudyLearning and teaching innovations in the veterinary undergraduate curriculum at Glasgow Sumayyah0prije 13 godina 3 tjedna