VrstaČlanak (Post)AutorOdgovoriOsvježeno
StudySurgical skills training: simulation and multimedia combined Gifty0prije 13 godina 1 tjedan
StudyModeling and modification of medical 3D objects.The benefit of using a haptic modeling tool Gifty0prije 13 godina 1 tjedan
StudyVirtual reality on the web: the potentials of different methodologies and visualization techniques for scientific research and medical education Gifty0prije 13 godina 1 tjedan
StudyInterNICHE and the Pedagogical Impact of Alternatives in India Asmita0prije 13 godina 1 tjedan
StudyThe effects of an interactive dissection simulation on the preformance and achievement of high school biology students Gifty0prije 13 godina 1 tjedan
StudyUse of Dissection-Related Courseware by Law-Ability High School Students: A Qualitative Inquiry Gifty0prije 13 godina 1 tjedan
StudyA method of preparing veterinary gross anatomy specimens: Multi-year holdings and use requires no refrigeration Gifty0prije 13 godina 1 tjedan
StudyChange and Inertia in Russian Life Science Education Asmita0prije 13 godina 1 tjedan
StudyPsychological profiles of students for and against vivisection using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Gifty0prije 13 godina 1 tjedan
StudyAssessing surgical skill using bench station models Gifty0prije 13 godina 1 tjedan
StudyVirtual Reality Simulation Training can Improve Inexperienced Surgeons Endovascular Skills Gifty0prije 13 godina 1 tjedan
StudyEthics and academia: Students' views of professors' actions Gifty0prije 13 godina 1 tjedan
StudyForum: Dissection. The case for Gifty0prije 13 godina 1 tjedan
StudyA newly designed training tool for microvascular anastomosis techniques: Microvascular Practice Card Gifty0prije 13 godina 1 tjedan
StudyCharacterizing formaldehyde emission rates in a gross anatomy laboratory Gifty0prije 13 godina 1 tjedan
StudyUse of the virtual ventilator, a screen-based computer simulation, to teach the principles of mechanical ventilation Asmita0prije 13 godina 1 tjedan
StudyPreliminary study of virtual reality and model simulation for learning laparoscopic suturing skills Gifty0prije 13 godina 1 tjedan
StudyTrauma training: virtual reality applications Nicholas0prije 13 godina 1 tjedan
StudyValidation of surgical simulators Nicholas0prije 13 godina 1 tjedan
StudyThe foliage leaf in microvascular surgery Gifty0prije 13 godina 1 tjedan
StudyTeaching and testing physical examination skills without the use of patients Nicholas0prije 13 godina 1 tjedan
StudyMultimedia as a Training Tool for Fish Anatomy and Necropsy Gifty0prije 13 godina 1 tjedan
StudyMicrosurgical training model using chicken thigh Gifty0prije 13 godina 1 tjedan
StudyWill nonrecovery surgery courses survive? Gifty0prije 13 godina 1 tjedan
StudyEffects of a pilot training program on veterinary students' pain knowledge, attitude, and assessment skills Gifty0prije 13 godina 1 tjedan