Book page | Dr Birgit Vollm | vadim | 0 | 12 سال 32 هفته پیش |
Book page | Prof Lara Rasmussen DVM | vadim | 0 | 12 سال 33 هفته پیش |
Study | Veterinary education and students' attitudes towards animal welfare | Nick | 0 | 12 سال 33 هفته پیش |
Book page | Dr. Lucy Fish BVSc. (Hons) | vadim | 0 | 12 سال 37 هفته پیش |
Alternative | Basic physiology: Stannius Ligatures (Общая физиология: Лигатуры Станниуса) | pero | 0 | 12 سال 39 هفته پیش |
Book page | Dr Anya Yushchenko | Nick | 0 | 12 سال 39 هفته پیش |
Alternative | Blood and the Circulatory System | pero | 0 | 12 سال 40 هفته پیش |
Study | Computer-Based Learning of Neuroanatomy: A Longitudinal Study of Learning, Transfer, and Retention | Gifty | 0 | 12 سال 40 هفته پیش |
Study | Organic bench model to complement the teaching and learning on basic surgical skills | Gifty | 0 | 12 سال 40 هفته پیش |
Study | Proposal of a synthetic ethylene-vinyl acetate bench model for surgical foundations learning: suture training | Gifty | 0 | 12 سال 40 هفته پیش |
Study | Alternative in vitro assays in nanomaterial toxicology | Gifty | 0 | 12 سال 40 هفته پیش |
Book page | Dr ThalesTréz BSc, MSc. - Part I | vadim | 0 | 12 سال 41 هفته پیش |
Alternative | Humane education in CIS countries (Гуманное образование в странах СНГ) | pero | 0 | 12 سال 44 هفته پیش |
Alternative | Rat Dissection | pero | 0 | 12 سال 45 هفته پیش |
Alternative | Virtual Frog Dissection Educational App | pero | 0 | 12 سال 45 هفته پیش |
Producer | Emantras Inc. | pero | 0 | 12 سال 45 هفته پیش |
News | New InterNICHE website for humane education and alternatives | Nick | 0 | 12 سال 45 هفته پیش |
News | InterNICHE Multimedia Exhibition at WC7 | admin | 0 | 12 سال 45 هفته پیش |
News | 2009 Humane Education Award | admin | 0 | 12 سال 45 هفته پیش |
News | Latin American Conference on Humane Education and Alternatives: Overview, Progress and Challenges | admin | 0 | 12 سال 45 هفته پیش |
News | InterNICHE outreach: Mexico, Portugal, Russia, Iran | admin | 0 | 12 سال 45 هفته پیش |
News | Eighth World Congress on Alternatives report (I): Multimedia Exhibition | Nick | 0 | 12 سال 45 هفته پیش |
News | InterNICHE honoured for replacement of animal experiments | admin | 0 | 12 سال 45 هفته پیش |
Book page | Lisa Hepner BS | vadim | 0 | 12 سال 45 هفته پیش |
Study | Costs and Benefits of Animal Experiments | Gifty | 0 | 12 سال 46 هفته پیش |