نوعارسالنویسندهپاسخ هاآخرین به‌روز رسانی
AlternativeOrangutan Skull Model (Pongo Pygmaeus, Male) TfAd202003 سال 36 هفته پیش
AlternativeChimpanzee Skull Model (Pan Troglodytes, Female) TfAd202003 سال 36 هفته پیش
AlternativeDomestic Goose Skeleton (Anser Anser) TfAd202003 سال 36 هفته پیش
AlternativeCat Skeleton (Felis Catus, Flexible) TfAd202003 سال 36 هفته پیش
AlternativeSheep Skeleton (Ovis Aries) TfAd202003 سال 36 هفته پیش
AlternativeDog Leg (Canis Lupus Familiaris) TfAd202003 سال 36 هفته پیش
AlternativeCow Foot (Bos Taurus) TfAd202003 سال 36 هفته پیش
AlternativeMammal Hind Legs Set TfAd202003 سال 36 هفته پیش
AlternativePig Foot (Sus Scrofa Domesticus) TfAd202003 سال 36 هفته پیش
AlternativeCat Skull (Felis Catus) TfAd202003 سال 36 هفته پیش
AlternativeHorse Skeleton (Equus Caballus) TfAd202003 سال 36 هفته پیش
AlternativePig Skeleton (Sus Scrofa domesticus) TfAd202003 سال 36 هفته پیش
AlternativeRabbit Skeleton (Oryctolagus cuniculus var. domestica) TfAd202003 سال 36 هفته پیش
AlternativePigeon Skeleton (Columba Livia Domestica) TfAd202003 سال 36 هفته پیش
AlternativeChicken Skeleton (Gallus Gallus Domesticus) TfAd202003 سال 36 هفته پیش
AlternativeFish Skeleton - Carp (Cyprinus Carpio) TfAd202003 سال 36 هفته پیش
AlternativeButtock Intramuscular Injection Simulator TfAd202003 سال 36 هفته پیش
AlternativeAtherosclerosis Cross Section Model (2 part) TfAd202003 سال 36 هفته پیش
AlternativeCPRLilly Simulator PRO+ (available with or without tablet) TfAd202003 سال 36 هفته پیش
AlternativeCPRLilly Air Simulator for CPR and Airway Management TfAd202003 سال 36 هفته پیش
AlternativeEpidural and Spinal Injection Trainer TfAd202003 سال 36 هفته پیش
AlternativeSONOtrain Ultrasound Gallbladder Model TfAd202003 سال 36 هفته پیش
AlternativeSONOtrain Ultrasound Foreign Body Model TfAd202003 سال 36 هفته پیش
AlternativeSONOtrain Ultrasound Vein Model TfAd202003 سال 36 هفته پیش
AlternativeWound Care / Bandaging Technique Trainer TfAd202003 سال 36 هفته پیش