Studies Database
Tamioso PR, Bones VC, Maiolino Molento CF, Fischer ML. Perception of animals used in education and research in Brazil by students and professors [abstract]. ALTEX. 2011;28(Special Issue):228. Abstract 117.
Animal use in education and research has raised ethical questions in society. The objective of this work was to study the way students and professors see animal use. Thus, a study was performed on the perception of animal use by 70 students and 17 professors of five areas - biology, engineering and management, humanities (philosophy, physical education, languages and pedagogy), social sciences (accounting sciences) and law - of 17 university programs, through an open and objective questionnaire. Regarding animal use in teaching, the interviewees agree (63%) with the use of living animals, mainly the mouse, in veterinary medicine and biology, even though they report not being aware of their purpose. In an open question about the use of animals for teaching purposes, part of the interviewees (48.5%) would not use them, but only 18.5% cited the use of alternatives, whereas 41.5% had no restrictions. Of the latter, 20% alleged the need to use animals. In research, the use of white mice was considered correct and fundamental for drug production (27%), especially by the interviewees of the biological areas (85%). The results reflect the traditional vision that the benefits of using animals surpass the costs for their welfare. However, it is necessary to continue the present study and increase the sample size.
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Link to journal: ALTEX - Alternatives to Animal Experimentation
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