Studies Database
Moses GR, Farr JO Jr. The operating room of the future: white paper summation. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2003;94:226-32
PMID: 15455898Abstract
On November 8 and 9, 2001, leading experts in patient safety, medical informatics, advanced surgical devices, telesurgery, and surgical facilities met to formulate strategic directions for the "OR of the Future" in both military and civilian healthcare. The meeting was co-hosted by the Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC) part of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command at Fort Detrick, and the University of Maryland Medical Center. Researchers, surgeons, and experts in the field of operating room (OR) technology addressed the current state of research and technological developments. Experts in (1) patient safety, (2) medical informatics, (3) advanced surgical devices, (4) telesurgery, and (5) surgical facilities met in focused work groups to develop a proposed research agenda for each content area. Afterwards, each focused group agreed to develop a 'White Paper' on each specific area, addressing the current and future prospectus. In addition, they attempted to provide a recommended research roadmap for the 'OR of the Future.'
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