Studies Database
Jukes N. Internationalising alternatives in higher education. ALTEX. 2006;23(Special Issue):63-67
InterNICHE has been working internationally to promote and implement alternatives in higher education for 17 years, facilitating the replacement of harmful animal use and building a broad network with contacts in over 50 countries. From the InterNICHE experience, successful international work requires qualities and practices from organisations that include: A bold and positive vision, a specific focus and an awareness of the links between issues; a commitment to pro-actively catalyse sustainable change and create win-win solutions; the design of organisational structures conducive to participatory democracy, alliance building and the organic growth of the network; the practice of solidarity and support for local initiatives rather than empire building; and the provision of resources and training for action and capacity building. The presentation will draw on examples of InterNICHE projects such as the production and multi-language translations of printed, video, and website resources; the Alternatives Loan System for trial of software, mannekins and simulators anywhere in the world; the international Humane Education Award for local development and implementation of alternatives, including freeware; support for student conscientious objectors; and conferences, outreach visits, and training in alternatives for teachers. The challenges met within such work will also be explored, and suggestions of how to overcome them will be given.
Link to journal: ALTEX - Alternatives to Animal Experimentation
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