Studies Database
Hudson M, Creamer J, McAllister J, Langley G, Newman C, Phillips B, Korimboccus L, Kingston S. Focus on alternatives: Recent initiatives in the UK, working together to replace animal experiments [Abstract]. ALTEX. 2005;22(Special Issue):26
Focus on Alternatives brings together representatives from British non-profit organisations which fund the development, or promote the acceptance, of methods that replace the use of laboratory animals in research, education and testing. Organisations currently represented on FoA include Dr Hadwen Trust, FRAME (Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments), The Humane Research Trust, Lord Dowding Fund, RSPCA, St Andrew Animal Fund and UK Human Tissue Bank (UKHTB).
The strategy taken by FoA is to work by lobbying, facilitating access to information, educating animal users, and by organising workshops and meetings on specific topics of concern.
Current initiatives include:
1. Human Volunteers for Research Testing
2. Serum-Free Media for Cell Culture
3. Donation of Human Tissue for Research
4. A Workshop on Septic Shock Research
The aim of these initiatives and their current status will be reported
Link to journal: ALTEX - Alternatives to Animal Experimentation
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