Studies Database
Schmidt A, Hohensee C, Teichgraber U, Baumgart l-Simons C. First ethics ranking of universities in Germany [abstract]. ALTEX. 2011;28(Special Issue):209. Abstract 385.
SATIS (Latin: enough!) - the project for humane education of People for Animal Rights Germany (PARG) performed the first ethics ranking to analyze the use of animals and needs of alternatives in education and to create a guideline for high- school graduates and students, accessible online at
We used a questionnaire-based telephone survey and called the responsible teachers of all German institutes of biology (70), medicine (35) and veterinary medicine (5) to ask which animals or alternatives are used in practical classes and if students are able to conscientiously object. The university ranking was then established by means of specific ethical criteria.
73% of the teachers were prepared to answer the telephone interview. Five percent of all teachers showed a positive inter advice and information. These will be initial points for our future activities in implementing alternatives in education. Compared to earlier surveys of SATIS, several institutes for human medicine cancelled the use of animals. No degree without animal use exists for veterinary medicine or bachelor of science biology. Apart from possibilities like passive working in groups students do not have the chance to complete their study if they conscientiously object. We are however working at a political level to introduce conscientious objection into German law. The new EU Directive (2010/63/EU) and the German animal welfare law require that existing alternatives have to be used and we are advising academia and administration with regard to the implementation of alternative methods.
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Link to journal: ALTEX - Alternatives to Animal Experimentation
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