Studies Database
Suzuki M. Education and training system in Japanese research laboratories in a global pharmaceutical company. AATEX 2008;14(Special Issue):253-256
The Japanese standards relating to the Care and Management of Laboratory Animals and Relief of Pain was revised on June 1, 2006, based on the amendment of the Japanese Law for Humane Treatment and Management of Animals, which added the "3 Rs" principle. To complement the new standards, the Science Council of Japan has published detailed guidelines, titled "Guidelines for Proper Conduct of Animal Experimentation." The guidelines prescribe the roles of the director of Institution, and Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, as well as the Items of contents in Animal Care and Use Program, Humane Experimental Procedures, and so on. Additionally, they also direct the director of Institution to conduct proper education and/or training for research and care staffs, which are 1) Laws, Standards, Regulations, and so on; 2) Animal experiments and handlings of Laboratory Animals; 3) Care and Management of Laboratory Animals; 4) Safety Management (Environmental Health and Safety); 5) Animal Facilities, and 6) Continuous Education, if necessary. This paper refers to a revised education system according to this guideline for all animal-related staff and continuous education program of animal ethics for all staff in Pfizer Global Research and Development (PGRD), Nagoya Laboratories.
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Author's keywords: long-term education, institutional official, research organization, culture
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