Studies Database
der Valk JV. Educating scientists on alternatives: A continuous process. ALTEX. 2006;23(Special Issue):81-84
Already from the start of their study in one of the biomedical sciences should students become aware of the fact that animal experimentation is no more a matter of such and that in several instances Three Rs models can and should be used. During laboratory classes, whenever possible, animal free teaching models should be considered and used. Also, when it is regarded essential to have the students work with experimental animals, they should be aware of the consequences and the concerns of the society.
By Dutch law, every scientist designing animal experiments should be qualified. The Laboratory Animal Science course, where replacement, reduction and refinement (Three Rs) are the main themes, offers this qualification.
During the scientist’s career there should be continuous pressure to consider the Three Rs when animal experiments are planned. The most important one is the animal ethics committee requesting that Three Rs models have been considered before an animal experiments proposal is approved. This requirement and subsequent verification of an expert on alternatives ensures that scientists are (made) aware of possible Three Rs models in their field of interest.
Several journals now require a statement that the Three Rs have been considered and applied before a manuscript discussing animal experiments is accepted. Furthermore, several scientific organisations focus on the development, acceptation and information exchange of Three Rs models.
Education on Three Rs models should not be a one-time event, but a continuous process that makes scientists also aware of new developments that can be applied to replace, reduce and refine animal experimentation.
Link to journal: ALTEX - Alternatives to Animal Experimentation
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