Studies Database
AAVMC Working Group on Competency-Based Veterinary Education, Molgaard LK, Hodgson JL, Bok HGJ, Chaney KP, Ilkiw JE, Matthew SM, May SA, Read EK, Rush BR, Salisbury SK. Competency-Based Veterinary Education: Part 1 – CBVE Framework. 2018, Washington, DC: Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges
Competency-Based Veterinary Education (CBVE) is an approach modeled after competency-based medical education and is designed to prepare graduates for professional careers by confirming their ability to meet the needs of animals and the expectations of society. This approach focuses on outcomes-based and learner-centered education and assessment. The CBVE framework consists of nine domains of competence, each representing a group of related abilities necessary for veterinary graduates. Associated with each domain
is a list of competencies, all of which are considered core for veterinary education. The CBVE framework consists of 32 competencies, some of which lend themselves to assessment in the clinical context, while others may be best assessed in the pre-clinical curriculum. To better describe each competency, illustrative subcompetencies are provided as examples of content that may be modified or refined by individual schools. Subcompetencies are more granular than competencies and can be used to develop course or rotation objectives
and assessments.
The CBVE framework provides a consistent foundation for implementation in any veterinary curriculum. A team of individuals known as the AAVMC CBVE Working Group developed this framework and associated Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) which are described in a separate document. Members of this team include representatives from veterinary colleges and schools across the U.S., Canada, Europe, the U.K. and some with experience from Australia. The AAVMC CBVE website provides resources on the framework
and EPAs. Additional work products including milestones and assessment tools will be added as they become available. Please see:
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