Studies Database
Jukes N and Danko V. A collaborative multi-language website and database for alternatives in education and training. Paper presented at: The Three Rs - Together it's possible. 8th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences; 2011 Aug 21-25; Montreal, Canada
The new InterNICHE website under development at is a content-rich resource designed to facilitate the implementation of humane education and alternatives. Using the open-source Drupal software, the Content Management System (CSM) and Framework (CMF) allows for a development process that is module-based and customisable so as to meet the needs of both developers and end-users. Information and other resources from InterNICHE and from teachers, students, campaigners and others from across the world can be effectively shared through such a collaborative international project and user-friendly system. The site is extensible, so further functionality to support such sharing, and to meet needs as they arise, can be added module by module. The translation functionality facilitates the localisation of information and news resources, and encourages participation and sharing from the diverse community that is involved in curricular transformation. Introductory information is available in over 100 languages, and translations of existing and new text can be uploaded with ease. The role-based access defines which users can view, edit and publish data, thereby better serving users, including InterNICHE as a network and organisation. The many roles available encourage participation according to chosen degree of input. Various searchable databases such as the Alternatives File from the book ‘from Guinea Pig to Computer Mouse’ (InterNICHE, 2003) provide rich seams of collated information, with database updating and translation opportunities provided through registered access. Management of other InterNICHE resources such as the network of Alternative Loan Systems is also supported. Version control supports management of the evolving information resource base. The site itself is hosted by an ethical communications collective.
InterNICHE keywords: alternatives, animal experiments, education, InterNICHE, website
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Link to journal: ALTEX - Alternatives to Animal Experimentation
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