Studies Database
Lee G. Applying the Three Rs principle in Korean veterinary medical school [abstract]. ALTEX. 2009;26(Special Issue):218. Abstract 187
The Institute for the 3Rs of Konkuk University, the first institute of its kind in Korea, has been applying the Three Rs principles; Replacement, Reduction and Refinement in Korean veterinary medical schools. First, we developed an "Animal Blood & Body Donation Program" to reduce the numbers of animals purchased and purpose-bred for education. Second, we are practicing several animal alternative programs, such as computer simulation programs, animal models and innovative equipments to replace the use of live animals in veterinary laboratory classes. Third, we opened a website to provide resources and information on how to apply the 3Rs and ethical consideration in education, especially providing the methods of refinement to educators and students. We also held an international joint symposium together with the Korean Association for Laboratory Animal Science. Five international professionals were invited and presented their experiences. The attendees were provided with opportuni-ties to witness the educational alternative programs provided by InterNICHE and meet the speakers in person during the booth presentation session. The Korean government implemented a new Animal Protection Law from 2008 including 3Rs principles mandated to each institution which uses animals and a new Laboratory Animal Law is effective from March 2009. The institute is playing a leading role for animal welfare education, sharing resources with the Korean veterinary medical schools and other institutions in Korea.
Link to journal: ALTEX - Alternatives to Animal Experimentation
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