Studies Database
Knezevic G. Animal use in higher education in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia and Montenegro [abstract]. ALTEX. 2005;22(Special Issue):11
The work represents the results of independent questionaries on opinions and experiences on animal use in higher education of the students studying at Faculty of Sciences in Banjaluka (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Belgrade (Serbia and Montenegro) and Faculty of Sciences in Novi Sad (Serbia and Montenegro). The questionary explores their personal experience and opinions about animal use at the higher educational institutions providing reliable results on the number of used animals and procedures performed in animal use in higher education at the region.
The work presents the results of one year long research of the author working on behalf of the group within the Student Organisation of Faculty of Science in Banjaluka which has been dealing on assessment of the animal use in higher education and promotion of alternatives and the 3R concept. The presentation of the results shows information on the current situation on animal use in higher education in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia and Montenegro, the source of experimental animals, most often experimental procedures within particular subjects, survey on students’ attitude toward dissection and vivisection, the presence of alternatives and current methods used for increasing welfare of the used animal in higher education.
Also, within the conclusion the author proposes possible forward steps in improving the presence of alternatives and the 3R concept in higher education at the region.
Link to journal: ALTEX - Alternatives to Animal Experimentation
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