Studies Database
Jukes N. Animal free: The international provision of low cost and no cost alternatives. Poster session presented at: Calling on Science. 7th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences; 2009 Aug 30 - Sept 3; Rome, Italy
The replacement of dissection and animal experiments in education and training continues to gain momentum due to the pedagogical, ethical and economic advantages of innovative and humane tools and approaches. The rate of replacement can be increased through effective information provision, outreach and demonstrations, access to and training in alternatives, and sharing experiences of development and implementation. An important catalyst for progressive curricular change is the provision of low cost and free alternatives. This is particularly true in countries and universities with financial limitations. As part of its commitment to making alternatives more accessible, InterNICHE has funded through its Humane Education Award the production of new software alternatives in anatomy, physiology and pharmacology that are open source or freeware. It has also negotiated with producers to encourage the international sharing of products that were formerly sold or limited in their availability. The production of freeware and the specific agreements made with producers have made available a range of alternatives that are open source or available free or at low cost. International projects to distribute such alternatives direct to teachers through the InterNICHE network of National Contacts, Partners and other collaborators has brought about direct replacement and the enhancement of education and training. Examples of specific alternatives, distribution projects and replacement will be given.
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Author's keywords: animals, alternatives, education, economic, open source
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