Studies Database
Luy J. Animal experiments – criteria for ethical evaluation and ethical limits [abstract]. ALTEX. 2009;26(Special Issue):168
Since 1986, animal experiments in Germany may only then be approved by the authorities if they are indispensible for a legitimate purpose ("unerlasslich") and the inflicted suffering is not classified as disproportionate to the benefits thereof ("ethisch vertretbar", Article 8, paragraph 3 German Animal Protection Act, TierSchG). In order to verify these conditions each competent authority shall convene one or more committees consisting of scientists experienced with the assessment of animal experiments and of selected members of proposed lists of animal welfare organisations (Article 15 TierSchG). These Animal Experimentation Committees have been gaining experience in the ethical review of applications for animal experiments since 1986. Because rejected applications of animal experiments are often resolved judicially, an ethical testing procedure has been developed, which - based on the Principle of Proportionality - not only fulfils bioethical but also legal requirements. In accordance with the application of animal experiments subject to authorisation, the four steps of quality assurance of the Principle of Proportionality will be introduced during the presentation and illustrated with examples.
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