Studies Database
Knight, A. Alternatives to harmful animal use in tertiary education. Alternatives to Laboratory Animals.1999;27:967-974
On 11 November 1998, Western Australia’s Murdoch University took the groundbreaking step of formally allowing conscientious objection by students to animal experimentation or other areas of their coursework. Murdoch
is, to my knowledge, the firs Australian university to take this formal step, and its decision will have ramifications
for other Australian universities. Additionally, the University agreed to review the humane alternatives available in all 45 teaching units within its veterinary, biomedical and biological science courses that us animals. The recommendations of the review committee were approved on 15 September 1999. The report concluded that “Murdoch [University] was in a position to and should aim to conduct teaching that does not require animals to be killed specifically for this purpose by 2005”.
Link to journal: Alternatives to Laboratory Animals
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