Studies Database
Shankhapal V, Dalvi R and Ladukar O. Alternatives to animal dissection in teaching veterinary anatomy [abstract]. ALTEX. 2009;26(Special Issue):223. Abstract 478
Teaching veterinary anatomy involves the use of animals which are embalmed carcasses. In the past, an adequate number of animals were used for this purpose. However, restrictions are imposed by CPCSEA, SPCA and Government of India on the use of animals for laboratory experiments and this has affected the teaching programme in veterinary anatomy. Though it is not possible to completely stop the use of animals for practicals, we could reduce their number by using advanced technology available in the field, like use of CDS on animal dissection, coloured organ specimen and mounted skeletons. This helped a lot in reducing the use of animals for dissection. Although cadaver dissection is superior to video demonstration, it is apparent that students can learn veterinary anatomy by both methods. The dissected specimens are preserved system-wise in separate containers. A beautiful museum of self explanatory live models of the visceral organs of different species of animals has been developed in this hall. These museum specimens are suitably labelled, and hence it became easy for students to understand the comparative anatomy of animals. To create interest among the student to learn this subject with enthusiasm, our department is trying hard to evolve various kinds of teaching aids, such as multimedia computer assisted learning on dissection, organ specimen, blow up charts, lesson folders and mounted skeletons of animals. There were no significant differences in students performance noticed when using these alternatives to animal dissection.
Link to journal: ALTEX - Alternatives to Animal Experimentation
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