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InterNICHE today announces 16 new international Partners, all involved in major collaborative projects in humane education and alternatives.

The new role of InterNICHE Partner has been developed to bring more individuals, organisations and institutes into close collaboration with InterNICHE and to recognise existing joint activity.

The 14 organisations and 2 individuals accepted for the 2007-2008 academic year are:

  • NOAH, from Norway
  • VITA, from Russia
  • Svoboda Zvirat (Animal Freedom), from the Czech Republic
  • FAUNA Association, from Hungary
  • The Gujarat Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (GSPCA), in India
  • People for Animals (PfA) Chandigarh, in India
  • Citizens for the Welfare and Protection of Animals, in India
  • Unidos por los Animales (United for Animals), from Peru
  • EcoUni, from Belarus
  • Empatia (Empathy Association), from Poland
  • ALIVE, from Japan
  • Animal Friends Croatia
  • Intimate with Nature Society, from Bulgaria
  • Africa Network for Animal Welfare (ANAW), based in Kenya
  • Goran Krummenacher, from Bosnia
  • Victoria Meshcheryakova, from the US

Examples of the collaborative projects for Partners include national level information gathering and networking, distribution of resources, co-organisation of outreach and training, co-management of alternatives distribution projects, and translation of major alternatives texts.

A second round of Partners for 2007-2008 will be announced soon. The acceptance of the new Partners will positively impact on the implementation of alternatives both nationally and internationally. The many new countries represented reflect the growth of humane education activity across the world and the potential of alliances that benefit all parties.

InterNICHE also has active National Contacts in a wide range of countries, and continues to collaborate with many other individuals, organisations and institutes.

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